
Membership Renewal 2022-2023

Scott Long - June 16, 2022 - Featured Content Area


Your investment in the CFLA is an investment in your business and its future

We've extended our renewal period to July 31, 2022.

Renew now

Membership Renewal 2022-2023

By Mike Rusch
Chair of the CFLA's Board of Directors

April 22, 2022

Renew your membership online now

How your membership supports the industry

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Dear members, 

The next few years are crucial for our industry. We are the backbone of Canada’s economy and will play an essential role in recovering from the pandemic.

As your Chair of the Canadian Finance and Leasing Association’s Board of Directors, I thank you for your dedication to our industry, Association, and Canadians.

Your support makes the work we do here at the CFLA possible. 

As we move beyond the pandemic, new challenges face our industry. The CFLA has been at the forefront, keeping our sector top-of-mind with key decision-makers at all levels of government and stakeholders across Canada.

Recently, the CFLA responded at once to the Federal Government’s use of the Emergencies Act, and met with senior officials in the Department of Finance to help ensure there were no unintended consequences on your businesses.

We all must continue to advocate for policies our industry and clients need. The opportunity is now. The asset-based finance, vehicle and equipment leasing industry is a conduit for helping businesses and Canadians succeed after two years of economic turbulence. 


The CFLA is the only organization advocating on behalf of the 
asset-based finance, vehicle and equipment leasing industry in Canada.

During the pandemic, the CFLA was able to expedite and enhance its digital-first strategy. The CFLA developed and launched a new customer relationship management (CRM) system and website in record-breaking time. The CRM presents opportunities for more analytics and new tools to serve you better.

The website is rapidly becoming the industry’s hub for advocacy, intelligence, networking, and professional development. You can now quickly access relevant industry resources at your convenience. 

Despite the hard work on our digital investments, advocacy remained our top priority. This past year we saw many achievements and reached vital milestones.

I am proud to share that the CFLA:

  • Was the only stakeholder association consulted by the Québec government with its plan to simplify its Consumer Protection Act, and helped allow digital signatures for online car purchases

  • Advocated for the Ontario and Alberta governments to modernize their respective Personal Property Security Registries

  • Worked closely with automotive associations and stakeholders to delay the implementation of the Federal Luxury Tax to give the industry more time and information to prepare for its launch

  • Successfully advocated for the Government to increase the leasing automobile deduction limit for the first time in 20 years.

The Association also launched CFLA Fundamentals, a brand-new professional development program to replace Canadian Lease Education Online (CLEO). Fundamentals is the only industry-led course of its kind for the Canadian asset-based financing, vehicle and equipment leasing industry. The course enhances your understanding of the industry in Canada with its seven interactive modules. The final "Be the Boss" game reinforces what you learned with guided feedback.


Your support is essential to our common success.

The annual fees you and other members pay account for two-thirds of the CFLA’s yearly revenue.



The work our Association does on behalf of our industry includes mobilizing resources to help us all succeed by promoting sound government policy and helping remove barriers to business. These are tangible, measurable, and valuable results.

Please join our Association for another successful year by renewing your membership:


The CFLA’s success to date is based on an effective formula 

of member involvement and a strong return on investment.

I hope that we can continue to count on you for this support. We're stronger together and can accomplish more for everyone. 

Yours very truly,

Mike Rusch

Chair of the CFLA's Board of Directors

How your membership supports the industry



What we've achieved

What we're working on



Canadian Market Overview

Industry Compensation Survey

Equipment Finance Activity Survey

Industry Business Confidence Survey


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Previous Webinar Recordings

CFLA  Leasing Fundamentals – NEW

2022's In-Person CFLA National Annual Conference



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2021: Our Year in Review

CFLA Annual Reports

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