Advocacy: CFLA Hill Day 2023
Scott Long, CFLA - May 5, 2023 - Featured Content Area
Advocating to support your businesses and customers
CFLA Hill Day 2023
The CFLA's Parliamentary Reception was attended by high-profile policymakers
Check out our recap of the CFLA's annual Hill Day in Ottawa, where we advocated to advance our industry and help your businesses succeed.
Hill Day at a glance
We met with 11 Members of Parliament (MP), four Senators, and senior staff from multiple political parties to advocate for policies that help our members, businesses, and Canadians.
After 20+ meetings, we held a CFLA reception where MPs, senators, political staff, and staff from the Office of the Leader of the Opposition attended.
Three staff from the CFLA and Julie Gingras ⇒ (Partner, Wilson Vukelich LLP ⇒ and CFLA Board Member) attended the meetings to ensure our messages were accurate, reliable, and authoritative.
We focused on three vital topics during our discussions:
1. Reducing the illegal export of stolen vehicles
2. How more capital investment boosts the economy and lays a foundation for long-term growth
3. Exempting electric vehicles from the Luxury Tax.
From left: Marcel Buerkler (Policy Director, CFLA), Michael Rothe (President & CEO, CFLA),
Melissa Lanstman (Deputy Opposition Leader & MP), Julie Gingras (Partner, Wilson Vukelich LLP & CFLA Board Member)
The responses we received from our meetings and reception were overwhelmingly positive. We received commitments or follow-up work for each topic – engagement like this is often rare.
From left: Michael Rothe (President & CEO, CFLA) and Zachary Nixon (Senior Advisor, Office of the Honourable Mary Ng, Minister of Trade, Export Promotion, Small Business, and Economic Development).
Next steps
We're planning follow-up meetings, including one with the Ministry of Finance, to ensure our messages resonate. We're also preparing additional materials that further support our cause after many requests for more information.
The CFLA's Hill Day is essential to advancing our industry. Exposure to decision-makers amplifies our industry's voice and builds on the work our industry does.
We want to thank our members and volunteer committees for helping us identify and develop solutions for issues facing our industry.
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