Click here to view 2025 Events Calendar
Save the Date: September 22 - 23, 2021
Registrations now open.
Toronto In-Person Conference: Wednesday, September 22, 2021
Virtual Conference: Thursday, September 23, 2021
Bulk discounts for the virtual conference are available for CFLA Members only. In-Person Event Cancellation Policy: The in-person events are subject to local Covid distancing rules. If the events have to be cancelled in compliance with local rules, a credit will be applied to the member's account which can be used towards any future CFLA event within one year. However, substitutions are permitted at any time prior to the conference at no charge for the virtual conference. All cancellations or substitutions must be received in an email.
Proof of Vaccination Required for Toronto's In-Person Networking Event On September 1, 2021, the Government of Ontario announced individuals will require proof of vaccination from COVID-19 to access select settings - like event spaces - starting September 22, 2021.
Here is a Preview of the 2021 Annual Digital Conference schedule.