Canadian Leasing Index

Benchmark your company's time to process deals. 


Lantern Capital prepares the Canadian Leasing Index quarterly.  




Canadian Leasing Index – Q4 2022 

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About the Canadian Leasing Index

The Canadian Leasing Index is a quarterly report outlining metrics relative to hours passed from deal origination to deal funding based on four lender types across Canada: banks, bank-owned leasing companies, credit union leasing companies, and independent leasing companies.

You can use this index to:

• Examine the opportunities to further streamline efficiencies related to turnaround and deal processing times

• Review Cost of Funds metrics to determine a base quarterly trend across all lender types through a changing interest rate environment

• Determine which part of the deal process takes longer than others and why

• Have a quarterly index as a comparative analysis to determine which months of the year are more efficient than others.