Advocacy: Our submission on the consumer protection consultation
Scott Long - March 17, 2023 - Featured Content Area
The CFLA made an official submission to the Ontario Government regarding its consumer protection consultation.
What’s the ask?
The Government of Ontario sought responses to its consultation paper on Modernizing Consumer Protection in Ontario with respect to Ontario's Consumer Protection Act (CPA).
What did the CFLA address?
Our submission discussed four items:
1. Purchase-Plus-Cost Leases
2. Prohibited Contract Terms Addressing Concerns on Misleading Consumers
3. Unconscionable Representations or Acts
4. Unilateral Changes to Contracts.
Where do we stand?
Our responses encouraged the government to ensure there are no unintended consequences for our members. We also provided feedback to continue making Ontario a low-risk jurisdiction to operate in financially.
How does this help members?
Our submissions to governments on any consultation help members by:
1. Keeping our industry front and centre with policymakers
2. Ensuring policies do not cause unnecessary burdens on business
3. Identifying strategies to save members money without sacrificing economic empowerment.
More information:
If you have any questions or comments about a CFLA advocacy issue, don't hesitate to get in touch with Marcel Buerkler, CFLA Director of Policy.